Sunday, April 3, 2011

Knocked Up

Knocked Up, directed by Judd Apatow stars Seth Rogen, Katherine Heigl, and Paul Rudd, in short this is a beautiful movie.

I always wanted to watch this as Katherine Heigl was the actress, and I liked her "Life as We Know It".

The movie is beautiful because 'a beautiful baby girl takes birth in it'. The whole movie is build around her. Here is how the storyline goes... our actor 'Seth' is a jobless, pot smoking, average kind of guy who lives with his friends in a rented apartment. They are all bachelors so you can imagine what they do and how they spend their time. None of them have a job.. our actress 'Katherine' is a TV host and she lives with her sister. Sister is married with two kids. 'Katherine' gets a promotion, she and her sister go to a club to celebrate, they bump into 'Seth' and his friends... somehow 'Katherine' and 'Seth' hang out, get drunk, have sex (they don't show anything, however, this movie is not appropriate for kids, there is lot of swearing...don't recommend for a family if they are of traditional mindset), and when they wake up, 'Katherine' tries to know more about 'Seth'... comes to know that he is jobless, homeless, etc.. etc.. 8 weeks pass.. she realizes she is pregnant.. and the story picks up from there.

I loved the movie very much.. I kind of liked 'Seth' and his natural acting. He shows himself as he is... no trying to be some other guy stuff... I am looking forward to see more of his movies..

It is a movie worth a watch...if and when you have sometime and are in a mood for a light romance, comedy, and light it here.

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