Thursday, January 27, 2011

Toy story 1

Just how much punch can an animation movie pack? The answer is.................a lot and mind you, these are strong solid punches....I am amazed at how taking one of the basic premises of "toys having lives", (but they become active only when nobody's is watching) a story has been weaved, which takes us on a wonderful ride splashing us en route with emotions of anger, jealousy, friendship, loyalty. Most of us would have played with toys and would have created an action world where we were the dictators and toys doing our a kid I had a racer bike and a rider which took a lot of my playing hours [somewhat similar to Andy's (the kid owner) love for Woody]...I clearly remember that I lost the bike, i lost the rider, well most of him, what was left was a sinewy leg, i guess it was right leg, but for the kid in me, it did not matter...the adventures continued unabated...ooh my!! what happened to that imagination....Well that is subject matter for another post and another blog....

Synopsis: Woody, (sheriff) the chief toy is jealous of Buz, the space ranger, the new toy, who has become Andy's (the owner kid's) favorite. Woody's insecurity results in Buz falling out of the window and somehow both Buz and Woody get lost. It is during this period when both of them are alone in an unfamiliar world, that they, despite initial hiccups, try to understand and help each other.

This was the second time I was watching this movie and one thing I can tell, the kid in me is alive and kicking....;-)

1 comment:

Tracer Bullet said...

now that we have toy story up.. i guess ice age will be follow soon.. and Madagascar.. and kungfu panda.. have to say I too had toys and I put them in all sorts of scenarios.. yeah, where did that imagination go..