Tuesday, December 8, 2015


The superhero genre has been following a fixed template as far as story is concerned.  It is usually a good guy whose heart is in the right place getting some sort of super power through gadgets, through insect bits, nuclear blasts, lightening strike etc etc. In some cases, a personal tragedy becomes a life long obsession to fight criminals and correct all the wrongs of the world.  Usually because of the tragic background or seriousness of the story, humor does not play a big part in the story line and with Marvel and DC queuing up to unload their superheroes onto the silver screen, the theme of most of these movies appears cliched and to the general viewer as same.

Enter Ant-Man,  a superhero who shrinks.  The premise itself seems far from intimidating, it rather looks funny, but trust good actors, good script and a good director, Ant-Man is a rather entertaining watch.  With Paul Rudd as Ant-Man and Michael Doughlas as his mentor and scientist, the movie is a must watch for fans of this genre....

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