Thursday, August 4, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Mankind has and will survive every adversity it faces. Humans are generally passionate and intelligent. It is our intelligence that has brought us where we are today. However in our own quest for knowledge and medical breakthrough we started experimenting on animals. Animals have been sacrificed for generations with 'for greater good of mankind' as the reason.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes is a movie that showcases this view point from both the human standpoint of research breakthrough and the animal's viewpoint of oppression and suffering, in this case the apes.

Hold on can animals think logically and are capable of reflection and contemplation. Yup this movie shows how and moves way beyond. In a way it tells the story of all mankind under oppression and what happens when it goes beyond the breaking point.

The movie is well directed and the story line is good. It is a complete movie experience and highly recommended. I hope I have convinced you guys without giving away anything. Watch it and get the awesome feeling. If you guys missed the trailer here it is.


Unknown said...

solvin messaged me and this is what he said..."saw d rise of d apes..went in coz of ur blogpost on it, really really a wonderful movie."

Tracer Bullet said...

Happy to know that :)

Govind Raj said...

Heard a lot of good things. Have to go now. Finding time has become tough though :-(